Friday, February 26, 2010

The Two Winter Olympic Events That Make Me Want to Cut Myself

Now I know I may catch some flak for this but that’s just too bad because this is my sounding board and therefore I can write about whatever I choose to write about, so eat that you critics! Like many of you, Marshall and I are currently caught up in watching the Winter Olympics. I actually quite enjoy some of the events to be honest. I mean what human being chock full of estrogen doesn’t love them some figure skating for instance. I even enjoy some of the downhill skiing, ski jumping, snowboarding, speed skating, bobsled, luge and even a little hockey (especially if my fellow Americans are whipping some Canuck ass like they have been). However, I must draw the line when it comes to cross country skiing and curling. By no means do I intend to imply that these two sports are not challenging for the individuals taking part in them but as a spectator, they just leave me scanning the room for a sharp object. In fact as I am typing this, Marsh is watching curling. Please do not ask me why he watches this crap, because I really have no idea. Well actually now that he just passed out cold I think I get it, it puts him to sleep apparently. Eureka! Curling is the Ambien of the Winter Olympics! At least it’s all natural I guess too bad one of the side effects is suicide. What child dreams of being a curling gold medalist or cross country skier for that matter? I think the curling teams skills would be better utilized if they worked for Molly Maid. It’s just a thought. A member of the curling team just drank a damn Powerade by the way. What the hell did he do that was so taxing that he needed to replenish his electrolytes or quench his thirst for that matter! As for those cross country skiers, I just think it would suck busting your ass like that in a full body spandex (friends don’t let friends wear spandex as it is a crime against humanity) jumpsuit nonetheless all while being screamed at by your coaches just to prove that you can walk the fastest in a pair of skinny skis. I will give them credit though for not stepping on one another’s ski’s and poking one another’s eyes out with those ski poles. That shizz looks dangerous! They just need to make cross country skiing a contact sport, then I would love to watch it. Can you just imagine it! It would give hockey some competition for spectators, that’s for sure. Anyhow, I need to go pry the remote from Marshall’s hands now that he’s entered a full on coma, so that I don’t die of boredom whilst watching curling. Enjoy the rest of the Olympic’s!

*Disclaimer: For those of you who were offended by anything I wrote I am sorry but you are way to sensitive. Ha!

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