Thursday, June 11, 2009

Kangaroo on the BBBQ

So last night we were invited to the home of Herr Thomas Riess for dinner and yes, kangaroo was in fact on the menu. For those of you who know me too well, you know about the somewhat limited choices I make when dinning. Well I decided to be bold and brave and I ventured way way way out of comfort zone all the way to Australia and I, Lindsey Jean Roberts ate god damn kangaroo meat............and I liked it!!!!! No, hell did not freeze over just in case you're wondering. lol I find it tasted a bit like beef. I'll be honest though and thought of adorable fuzzy kangaroo's with little cute baby kangaroo's in their pouches began hopping through my mind and I had to pass what was left of my kangaroo over to Marshall. lol So all in all a good time was had by all and it was nice to catch up with Thomas and he even introduced us to his lawyer friend so we have a contact for when our house finally sells. Woo Hoo!

As for the house there have been no bites yet, but we'll keep on fishin!

Today we will meet up with our friend Helena who interned at Brose London last summer. Perhaps some dinner and there was also some mention of bowling. Which you all know how I feel about putting my feet in shoes a million other people had their questionable feet in. Wii bowling is the way to go. lol Anyhow, it will be nice to catch up with Helena.

That's all for now. I'll post more soon though! Hope all is well.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Kanga and Roo! Next you'll be eating a chubby little cubby all stuffed with fluffy! For shame, LOL!
